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    The Election Of Donald Trump & The Damage Done To The Name “Christian”

    In 2007, Universal Studios produced a movie entitled “American Gangster”.  Set in the late 1960’s & starring famed actor Denzel Washington, the film provides the viewer with a lens into the life, rise & fall of Harlem drug kingpin, Frank Lucas.  There is a scene in the movie where Frank Lucas (Washington) is in a nightclub having a conversation with fellow drug lord Nicky Barnes (played by actor Cuba Gooding Jr.) concerning the purchase and redistribution of the drug Frank sells: Blue Magic.  Nicky has been purchasing Blue Magic from Frank, diluting it with other chemicals to decrease its potency, and selling it under the same name.  Frank meets with Nicky…

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    Morning Meditations Nov. 7th, 2016 3:36 AM

    -The woman on TV is attempting to sell me winter coat with electric heaters into the lining.  This idea is absolutely ridiculous.  I truly don’t know what is greater: the foolishness of this fashion fire hazard or the fact that I have yet to change the channel… -It is the morning before Election Day in this country and I have mutual concern about the two major party candidates, as well as the Libertarian candidates.  It is sad that we exist in a reality where the most sensible candidate requires popularity in order to succeed in the polls and the least sensible candidate has a puncher’s chance of winning the White…

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    Spirituality For Sale: The Danger Of Prosperity Gospel

    There is a simple but common misconception among 21st Century persons who claim Jesus as their Lord & Savior.  A way of thinking that has festered among our fellowship of believers.  We find ourselves in a day where many modern Christians qualify their faith in God by the quantity of what they receive from their God.  For some, God is only as good as what they get from God and if they aren’t getting, then God isn’t good.  There are those of our sisters and brothers who have allowed this commodified culture to have detrimental effect their understanding of the Most High and their interpretation of His activity in their…

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    Why The Church Still Matters (And So Do Her Critiques)

    I want to start out with a bit of an admission.  By way of fairness, it behooves me to begin this article by stating that I am an apologist for the church. Whether right as rain or wrong as snow in the summer, I will always hold to the idea of God’s church being valuable.  Even deeper, I see that value as something worth defending. It is actually the essence of that value that pushes my “pen”.  The contemporary Christian church finds herself being questioned and criticized.  Scandal, false prophecy, poor biblical scholarship, dictatorial doctrine & a misalignment of creed and conduct in so many of our houses of worship…

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    Lessons From The Back Of The Boat

    I once had the opportunity to visit Sevierville, Tennessee with a few friends of mine.  While on my trip to the southern part of our country, we had the opportunity to go whitewater rafting across the waters of Lake Pigeon.  A native New Yorker through and through, my first feelings about this idea were feelings of reservation.  Subways,  sidewalks, and skyscrapers had all but soured me to the idea of spending any significant amount of time in the outdoors. Truthfully, outside of scenery that makes for great wallpapers on my cell phone, I struggle to see whats so “great” about the outdoors.  But, in my attempts to not be a…

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    A Letter To The All Lives Matter Movement

    Peace, I pray that all is going well with you on yet another day that the Lord has made.   I wanted to reach out to you to lovingly address (and prayerfully have conversation about) some of the concerns that I have regarding the propaganda that comes from your movement.  Over the past several months now, it seems that everywhere I look, everywhere I go, I find people proclaiming that “All Lives Matter”.  More often than not, the statement is used as a rebuke to those of us who state that “Black Lives Matter”; a correction mean to usher is back into a mindset of equality and equity.   I’d like to offer that…

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    Morning Meditations July 14th, 2016 2:48 AM

    -Im going to get some Frosted Flakes, I wish they were as good for me as they taste… -When Harambee the Gorilla was shot in Cincinnati, those who were in charge of the zoo where it happened said they would do everything they could to ensure that something that terrible would never again.  I have an attitude that in this zoo called America, gorilla lives matter more than black ones do. -I wonder if I’m reckless for having three songs from Chance The Rapper’s “Coloring Book” in my gospel playlist?  Pretty sure that I don’t care if I am…the praises from those trying to get their lives together are just…

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    How Hatred Is Defeated

    I was on my way to Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  Following the tragic death of Alton Sterling, an African American whose life was viciously and needlessly taken from him by police officers sworn to protect and serve, I was ready to lift my voice in prayer, protest, and dialogue.  Handling my responsibilities with the congregation I serve (and equipped with the prayers and support of that congregation), I was headed to the airport. The continued abuse of authority by law officers needed to be addressed and I was ready to do so in the name of a God who loves justice and righteousness. On my way to the airdrome, my phone rang…

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    After The Applause: The Danger Of Convenient Consciousness

      I don’t watch BET. Armed with a real concern about the programming of the network (and, in particular, how that programming promotes a marginalized perspective of my people), I presently find myself in a boycott of the longstanding television outlet.  I realize my lone television not being dialed in to their frequency will not miraculously prompt them to change what they show, but I personally struggle with feeling like I am supporting the stereotypes that are perpetuated of our people (especially our women).  Word around the campfire is that they are trying to do better, but even if that were the case, I wouldn’t know it because…I don’t watch BET. Despite…

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    When Principles Pass Away

    Recently, the world has found itself in a state of bereavement.  Many persons of influence and importance have suddenly, unexpectedly passed away. Most recently, the world mourns the passing of the great Muhammad Ali. Famed human rights activist & accomplished athlete, Ali is one of the most influential, iconic persons of the 20th & 21st Century.  This sudden loss happens as the global community is still reeling from the emotions upon the passing of another transcendent figure: musical icon, Prince.  In fact, the past few months have held much pain for people.  It seems as if the untimely,  unexpected news of these deaths have sent shockwaves through communities all over…