
Morning Meditations: December 24th, 2018-3:27am

Christmas time for me is not only about the birth of my Savior, Jesus Christ, but it is also a signifier that I will have to hear the Temptations sing “Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer” until that same Savior returns.

*I live in a city where there has been another young black man who has lost his life at the hands of law enforcement. Our people need to seriously consider the psychological effects of reading (and seeing) these type of atrocities over and over. It hurts as if it were my child; I would like to think that I would peaceably pursue justice but the truth is, I don’t know how I would react if it were.

*The desire to have intimate time worshipping Jesus as I celebrate Christmas while seeing so much go on that has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus’ birth has made me a bit of a grinch this Christmas. Americans are going to spend over 700 billion (with a ‘B’) dollars on gifts & food this Christmas while simultaneously feeling as if they cannot say the name of Jesus in public without offending someone. That’s wack (and Jesus thinks so too). Maybe we should give America a present next year and eradicate poverty. #bahhumbug?

*Speaking of gifts, all I want for Christmas is for the Knicks to win on Christmas Day….just on that day….for me….please, Lord…It’s all about You though….Happy Birthday, Jesus….double digits too, please…Amen.

“…Hey, Rudolph! You, with your nose so bright”. It’s hard not to smile while listening to this.

*I have to finish my Christmas shopping. I will get it done today. Pretty sure I said that two weeks ago. Next year, I will not be waiting until the last minute. Pretty sure, I said that last year…and the year before!

*Confession: I do not know the difference between ‘stuffing’ & ‘dressing’. I do know that either one would be so good right now with some Turkey & some cranberry sauce. I mean, like right now.

“…Hey Rudolph, come on and guide my sleigh”. I love that part!

*I do not know how to think about the birth of Jesus without considering what it meant for Him to be born to a 13 year old single mother from a ghetto called Nazareth that was occupied by the Roman empire bent on destroying him because of the threat His life presented to the government. Presently, there are people who stereotype and give bigoted bias to persons whose lives resemble their Redeemer’s. If Jesus were born today, he probably would have resembled Tanisha Anderson, Tyre King, Henry Green, Jaron Thomas, John Crawford or Tamir Rice. But maybe (yawn), I’m tripping. No one talks like that …..around this time of year…..it’s Christmas time….this is supoosed to be…(stretch)….a joyful time….and you can’t be joyful and hurt at the same time…can you? Zzzzzzzz

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Derrick Holmes

Derrick Holmes is the Senior Pastor of Second Baptist Church in Circleville, Ohio. He regularly attempts to think through intersections of religion, race, and culture. A closet introvert, Derrick presently resides in Columbus, Ohio where his quest for New York style pizza & knishes is ongoing. Follow him on Twitter @mrderrickholmes

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Derrick Holmes is the Senior Pastor of Second Baptist Church in Circleville, Ohio. He regularly attempts to think through intersections of religion, race, and culture. A closet introvert, Derrick presently resides in Columbus, Ohio where his quest for New York style pizza & knishes is ongoing. Follow him on Twitter @mrderrickholmes

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